Late night to dawn in Rio Tapajós

_st place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2022

Volume of aquarium: 480 L

Dimensions of aquarium: 160×50×60 CM

List of fishes: Hyphessobrycon melanostichos, Moenkhausia sp., Biotodoma cupido, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Hyphessobrycon sp. cf. melanostichos, Corydoras Leucomelas, Sturisoma panamense, Moenkhausia cosmops

List of plants: Anubias nana

Description of Decorations and Substrate: Daniel Brahlinsha Boutique Brown Sands Duggan Azalea Branches Thai Branches Vine Sun Root Vine, Purple Grapefruit Flowwood Red Rock Long-Eye Leaves Palm Leaves Lazy Leaves and Online Shopping Several Unknown Leaves.The grass is bearing its seeds and the wind is shaking its leaves
It’s nice when we stand and don’t talk
I’m a big fan of the Amazon River, the lungs of the earth that are home to millions and millions of amazing animals and plants, and of course, the fish that aquarium enthusiasts love, and the amazing fish species that can make people crazy. Of course, I will try my best to restore his original habitat in my fish tank. I will lay the bed with branches, vines and various deciduous sand. I will restore the proportion of fish and wood with large sunken wood, rather than balance the proportion of fish with small sunken wood.

Description of Equipment: Water pump: Bot TS2 6000 flow

Lamp: Jiyin natural light 17W 6500K spot lamp 6500K 4500K 10W spot lamp *2 NEC lamp 4500K*1 30W Horse Yin magic lamp PLUS*30W

Filter material: mountain tree second generation spiral bacteria house 50 roots

The old fishmaker makes waves

Sedimentation tank on the tank filtration

Water Parameters: The water temperature: 26 ° C
Water quality buffer index: KH 7

Total hardness of water: GH 9

PH of water: PH 6.5

Additional Info: Change 100L water frequency every 7 days

Aquarium video:

Description of the Area Surrounding the Biotope: Originating in the southeastern slopes of the PARECIS mountains in the northern Mato Grosso Plateau of Brazil, it empties into Amazonas in Santarém. The Tapajós is 2220 km from the Juruena River and 1992 km from the Teles Pires. The Tapajós flows from Santarém into the main Amazon, one of the most important tributaries of the Amazon. The major cities that pass through them are Santarém, Itaituba, Aveiro, and Jacareacanga. Because of the high flow rate in the main stream, many small and medium-sized fish species are distributed in its tributaries, the main tributaries of the river downstream are the Rio Arapiuns and its upstream tributaries, Rio Arua, back in Rio Cururu, Rio Crepori and Rio Jamanx-im are important tributaries for small and medium-sized fish. Most rivers are clear, but because the water carries a lot of sediment and the soil is rich in soluble nutrients, therefore, the river is white slightly yellowish, there will be dry season when the river water level decline, its water quality can present a light brown state. The river flows between the Tapajós and the Maderia , its tributaries crisscrossing the Amazon River Rim, a land of perennial forests, dense shrubs, abundant rainfall during the flood season and stunning species.

Description of the Underwater Landscape of the Biotope: The river water is mostly clear and white with a slight yellowish tinge. There are also sections of black water marsh with dense vegetation on both sides of the river, the main river course is a typical microrapids section with a good amount of shrub cover that provides a natural shelter and foraging area for fish species because of the large dense undergrowth. Therefore, most of its species are social activities foraging for food. The river water belongs to the low-flow River and the water is extremely clear, but in the dry season it is mainly concentrated in the main stream, with little vegetation and many sandy rivers, small Fish, small fish, and mouse fish are not found in most of these main, fast-moving streams. Most are concentrated in the tributaries of the main stream, mostly in small canals and lake pools, and some small fish species migrate to dry areas of the rainforest to breed in response to flood season surges, it has also resulted in subtle changes and differences in the regional populations of many fish species, different forms of expression or the evolution of new species through natural hybridization in the wild. And this type of environmental turnover has evolved into what we call South American landscaping.

Description of the Habitat Parameters: Many of the river water quality is very different, the color of the water quality also causes many of our players confused. The result is a different environment for many fish where the hardness and acidity of the water are very low and most of the water remains soft and slightly acidic. Because the black water system is subjected to the gradient alternation of humic acid and flood season, the water quality scale is lower, and the water quality of the clear water system and the white water system is more stable. The river water is mostly clear water system and white with yellowish Ph 6 to 7.5. The temperature is 22-30 °C, DGH 6 to 15 ° N

List of Fishes and Invertebrates Occurring in the Nature Biotope: Moenkhausia cosmops / redlip kogal Moenkhausia uirapuru / redgill kogal Hemigrammus skolioplatus Moenkhausia lineomaculata Moenkhausia sp. Moenkhausia sp. Moenkhausia sp./ blue spot kogal
Moenkhausia rubra / red moon kogal Moenkhausia cf. Rubra / scalet moon kogal Moenkhausia cf nigromarginata / blue moon kogal Moenkhausia nigromarginata / diamond pink kogal Moenkhausia sp. / golden kogal Moenkhausia sp. / rainbow moon kogal、pink sapphire kogalRibbon
(Hyphessobrycon sp. blue ribbon)
(Hyphessobrycon melanostichos)
(Hyphessobrycon melanostichos red tail)
Hyphessobrycon notidanos)
(Hyphessobrycon sp. rainbow devi
. Biotodoma cupido
Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956)P.axelrodi Trad
Corydoras Leucomelas 4
Sturisoma panamense
Acestridium triplex etc

List of Plants Found in the Nature Biotope: Attalea speciosa
Iryamthera paraensis
Lecythis paraensis
Cedrela fissilis
Lamanonia glabra
Iresine herbstii

Threats to the Ecology of the Biotope: As aquarium hobbyists, we should call for more natural, love yourself, respect nature, to protect those precious magic species, let them thrive, rather than the interests of the trigger of overfishing, and gathering, when the species extinction is the most important thing is people to nature, to cut down trees and burning forests, build massive pollution project, will break the local flow, Species are dying out every day in the world, which is also a sad place. I really hope that beautiful species will not only be seen in encyclopedias in the future. We respect life and Revere nature.

Sources of Information:
*Network public number domestic video website books mouse fish spring and Autumn mouse fish map code light fish map code and so on