The setting sun of a stream in Quzhou, Zhejiang China

Volume of aquarium: 63 L

Dimensions of aquarium: 60*30*35 cm

List of fishes: Vanmanenia stenosoma, Rhinogobius davidi, Neocaridina Denticulata, Opsariichthys evolans

List of plants: Caldesia reniflrmis, Sagittaria subulate

Description of Decorations and Substrate: The sunken trees, branches, stream stones and stream sand I selected were collected from the field. The bottom bed is composed of gold fine sand, and the surface is covered with stream sand.

Description of Equipment: 
Amtra EX650 Wall mounted filter barrel,650L/H, Jinlijia 3.0uvb spotlight

Water Parameters: Water temperature 16 ~ 22c
Color transparency
Ph 7.2~8.1

Additional Info:

Aquarium video::

Description of the Area Surrounding the Biotope: Quzhou City is the western part of Jinqu basin. The corridor basin extending from northeast has laid the basic pattern of landform, which is characterized by symmetrical distribution from north to South with Qujiang River as the axis and gradual elevation. On both sides of Qujiang River are river valleys, extending into hills and low mountains, and then expanding and rising into low mountains and middle mountains. The southeast edge is xianxialing mountain range, with dalonggang, the highest peak in the territory, with an altitude of 1500.3m. The northwest and Northern edges are the southern part of the baiji mountains and the qianligang mountains. There are many hills and low mountains in the West. The middle valley plain is crisscrossed with low hills and hills. The East is dominated by river valley plain with flat terrain. The lowest place in the territory is xiatong village, Longyou County, with an altitude of 33 meters. The geomorphic type is mainly mountainous and hilly. The hilly area in the territory is 7560 square kilometers, accounting for 85.44% of the total land area. The mountainous area in the territory is 4336 square kilometers, accounting for 49% of the total land area, which is distributed on the northwest and Southeast edges outside the basin. Among them, the low mountains are about 2400 square kilometers and the middle mountains are about 1900 square kilometers. Its shape is complex, the water erosion is significant, coupled with the separation of basins, the mountain trend is complex and changeable, and the extension is short, the slope is steep, the valley is Shaanxi, the ridge and valley are staggered, and the terrain is broken

Description of the Underwater Landscape of the Biotope: The river passes through lime and sand, so he carries all kinds of stones. The underwater bottom is covered with rocks of different sizes, and the underwater bottom is a sandy bottom bed. In the afterglow of the sunset, creatures will hide in the cracks of stones through the afterglow of the sunset.

Description of the Habitat Parameters: Quzhou is a subtropical monsoon climate region, with an annual average temperature of 16.3 ℃ (Kaihua) ~ 17.4 ℃ (urban area)

List of Fishes and Invertebrates Occurring in the Nature Biotope: Vanmanenia stenosoma, Rhinogobius davidi, Neocaridina Denticulata, Opsariichthys evolans

List of Plants Found in the Nature Biotope: Sagittaria subulate

Threats to the Ecology of the Biotope: Carried out tourism development, play and drifting projects.

Sources of Information:
Zhèjiāng shēngwù xué zhèjiāng kējì chūbǎn shè
13 / 5,000
Zhejiang Biology Zhejiang Science and Technology Press