Small tributary of Rio Shanusi near Yurimaguas, Peru

45th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2019

Czech Republic. Michal Klacek

Volume: 112 L
Dimensions: 80x35x40 cm
List of fishes: Apistogramma baenschi, Otocinclus sp., Nannostomus marginatus
List of plants: Pistia stratoites
Description of decorations: The bottom consists of fine light sand with a fraction of 0-0.5mm, several stones, root and other branches, dry leaves and pericarp of the plant.
Description of equipment: External filter JBL Cristal profi e700, Atman AT 70A lighting, T8 18W fluorescent lamp
Water parameters: The temperature is 24 ° C, pH 5.5, GH 4, KH 3
Additional info: I change the water and leaves once every 3 weeks. The less I interfere with the aquarium, the better it thrives. I feed live food like grindal, koretra, black mosquito, daphnia, cyclop. Apistograms multiply successfully. Due to the low light intensity and the high proportion of humic acids and tannins, algae are produced only minimally and almost on glass.


Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Rio Shanusi originates from the confluence of small rivers northwest, about 55 km from the city of Tarapoto in the region of San Martín about 830 meters above sea level. Its length is approximately 120 km. It flows through a wooded hilly landscape, where smaller streams with dark water enriched with tannins, humic acids and tannins flow into it, giving it a typical brown color. When it enters the Caynarachi area, the landscape suddenly turns flat and a landscape marked by agriculture extends along both banks. Countless fields created by deforestation of the landscape. The river is heavily cloudy, but it is still brown in color and the subsoil is light, fine sand. South of Yurimaguas is a small stream with dark but transparent water. I show this stream in the presentation. This creek is bordered by grassy banks as well as by banks and trees. There are faster sections with shallow water and deeper pools. Ideal habitat for fish.

Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: Alternate fast sections with shallow water with sections where the water is deeper and forms pools. There are plenty of biological material in the pools, such as driftwood, leaves and grass. Due to the effect of these materials the water has a brown color but is clear. The subsoil consists of light fine sand, stones and sometimes a large layer of sediment. From the banks it reaches under the surface of coastal vegetation.

Description of the parameters of the habitat: The water is clear with a brown color due to the influence of the extract from leaves, wood, etc. Ph is in the range of 4-6.5 according to the season. The temperature is also dependent on climatic conditions and is in the range of 20-26 ° C. The water has a low hardness which is also fluctuating according to the season and is in the range of 18-90 ppm which is approximately 1-5 GH.

List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Apistogramma baenschi, Nannostomus marginatus, Nannostomus trifasciatus, Otocinclus sp., Rineloricaria sp. , Corydoras sp., Copella sp., unidentifiable Rivulus and congener

List of plants found in the nature biotope: Pistia stratoites, Lemna miror

Threats to the ecology: This habitat is not seriously endangered.

Sources of information:

Comments of the members of the jury of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2019