Shallow Spring Pool in Baotu Spring Group, Jinan, Shandong, China

_st place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2022

Volume of aquarium: 160L

Dimensions of aquarium: 80x50x40cm

List of fishes: Rhodeus ocellatus
Rhodeus sinensis
Lefua costata
Radix auricularia
Neocaridina sp.

List of plants: Hydrilla verticillata var. roxburghii
Stuckenia pectinat
Vallisneria natans
Taxiphyllum sp
Vesicularia sp.
Homalia sp.

Description of Decorations and Substrate: fine sand, porous limestone

Description of Equipment: LED downlight 70W·2, LED downlight 10W·4, Yabo G-051-4, EHEIM600+SUNSUN EW-604, customized background light

Water Parameters: 19℃, about 35PPM, PH7.8, clear and transparent

Additional Info: none

Aquarium video:


Description of the Area Surrounding the Biotope: On the east side of Baotu Spring Park, leaning against the west moat and facing the south moat at the foot of the rockery, lies a pool of clear water. She is not like other spring pools in the park, located on a wide road or square, exposed to the hustle and bustle of the crowd, and competing with each other. It is a secluded path leading to a secluded place, isolated from the world, as if it had a disagreement with this lively scenic spot and was isolated. There are no glamorous koi goldfish and the like here, but all the simple northern loach and the like. It is full of aquatic plants and aquatic moss, and in it, there are indeed countless fish and shrimps, which are not as bare and lifeless as other springs. She is so special and different here. She is one of the 72 famous springs in Jinan – Asai Spring.

Description of the Underwater Landscape of the Biotope:It is full of aquatic plants and aquatic moss, and in it, there are indeed countless fish and shrimps, which are not as bare and lifeless as other springs.

Description of the Habitat Parameters: 19℃, about 35PPM, PH7.8, clear and transpare

List of Fishes and Invertebrates Occurring in the Nature Biotope: Rhodeus ocellatus
Rhodeus sinensis
Lefua costata
Radix auricularia
Neocaridina sp.

List of Plants Found in the Nature Biotope: Hydrilla verticillata var. roxburghii
Stuckenia pectinat
Vallisneria natans
Taxiphyllum sp
Vesicularia sp.
Homalia sp.

Threats to the Ecology of the Biotope: It is located in Baotu Spring, the most famous scenic spot in Jinan. The influence of human activities is very severe. However, due to the secluded path and the independence of the world, it is isolated by the environment of the entire scenic spot, and it has become the only remaining spring in the entire group of springs. There are also famous springs with natural atmosphere. It is difficult to imagine that there is such a secret in the center of a provincial capital city with a population of 900 million. Jinan’s unique spring water ecosystem has created a variety of exotic habitats, with several unique species of algae and aquatic mosses, supporting the densest population of northern loach in North China. With a constant water temperature of 18 degrees Celsius and excellent water quality, it has become an Eden for aquatic life, but it also provides convenience for exotic species. Although Jinan’s efforts to protect the spring are very strong, the direction of protecting the spring is only the spring veins and water quality, and the protection of the spring water ecosystem can be said to be terrible. In this rare spring water ecosystem, there are countless invasive species such as tilapia, Brazilian turtles, mosquito fish, Fushou snails, and Crayfish. In addition, unreasonable management methods also allow goldfish to escape. It is everywhere, polluting the genes of native crucian carp, and the backward ecological concept also makes the originally stable habitat ecosystem often out of balance. Just a few months before this sentence was written, the spring pond had been cleaned excessively due to the so-called maintenance. Due to this maintenance, the anaerobic flora at the bottom of the spring pond was turned up, causing the spring. The bacteria in the pond died and collapsed in large numbers, which led to the deterioration of the water quality. In addition, due to the sudden and large reduction of aquatic plants, the algae lost their suppression, which directly led to a massive outbreak of malignant algae, which in turn suppressed the original vitality of the aquatic weed community. The rare and fragile aquatic moss almost disappeared here. Judging from the current situation, in the most optimistic case, it will take more than 5 years to restore to the previous state, and I do not rule out the possibility that the place has been permanently damaged and can never be restored.
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