Etroplus canarensis in the Wild Breeding. Rare Video of India's Rarest Cichlid with Fry!

First Ever Underwater Video of Dario urops and Schistura sp. 'Crimson' in their natural Habitat.

Pethia setnai ,Dawkinsia assimilis, Haludaria fasciata in their Natural Habitat in the wild.

Pseudetroplus maculatus with fry & Sahayadri barb Fry

Utricularia graminifolia (Watch in HD)

Western Ghats of India underwater HD1080

Western Ghats - December 2017

Western Ghats Underwater - 2 Carinotetraodon imitator

Western Ghats Underwater - 1 Nemacheilus stigmofasciatus, Nemacheilus triangularis

Dwarf pufferfish (アベニーパファー) Tetraodon travancoricus in India -DIscoveryPlanet-

western ghats fishes

Snakehead in natural habitat

Dawkinsia rohani in the wild

Pseudetroplus maculatus, Orange Chromide in the wild

Somedays the predator. Someday a prey!

The hunt for Miss Kerala : Sahyadria denisonii in the wild ( HD )

Nano fishes in nature - Fishes of North Bengal

Snakehead fry in the wild

Zebra Danio in natural habitat ( Wild Zebra Fish )

Breeding display of Striped Killifish, Aplocheilus lineatus in the wild ( HD )

Aquarium plants in Indian streams and lakes - Part 1

A hillstream in the Western Ghats feat. Sahyadria denisonii