Guianacara geayi - French Guiana
Corydoras solox
Female Krobia sp. "Red eyes" with fry in its natural habitat (Underwater video)
Lithoxus planquettei
Guyanancistrus brevispinis
Deleted video
Der Crique Fourgassie
BIOTOP - Corydoras geoffroy, Franz.-Guayana
Cleithracara maronii (Keyhole cichlid)
Kaffeebohnensalmler und andere kleinbleibende Salmler im natürlichen Habitat Französisch-Guayanas
Cichlids and plecos in a small stream of French Guiana
Corydoras in their natural habitat in French Guiana, with Guyane Wild Fish Association
BlueFin Pleco, der Hammer- Guyanancistrus spec. Amapa'
Corydoras auf scharfem Kies im natürlichen Biotop
Guyane Wild Fish Association's inventory in the Noussiri (Oyapock River, French Guiana)