
Underwater Brazil Habitat. Rio da Prata

Igarapé do Daracua: Shallow Blackwater Habitat in the Middle Rio Negro

LagoVerde Tapajos

Pterophyllum - Acará bandeira, Skalare, Segelflosser, Angelfish - Video 1

Aquatic life in the Amazon


Nature's aquarium : Rio Ariraha, AM - PART TWO

Rio Sucuri

Dicrossus maculatus - Schachbrettcichliden im natürlichen Lebensraum

Six-Foot Electric Eel | World's Deadliest

Build for The Kill - Leaf Fish

The World of Negro River

Amazon Dream Trip - Michał Marcinkiewicz Expeditions - Symphysodon aequifasciatus. Igarapé 7


PANTANAL - below water

Amazon Dream Trip - Michał Marcinkiewicz Expeditions - Special fishing ground

Amazon Pantanal Part02(アマゾン パンタナル水中) BF

Amazon Pantanal Part01 (アマゾン パンタナル)BF.m4v

Zwergcichliden in den Zuflüssen des Rio Tapajos

Tapajos river

Diving the Rio Negro Part 1

Diving the rio negro (Part 2)

Snorkeling with Tetras part 2 Fincasters Episode 158

Snorkeling with Tetras Fincasters Episode 157


Revirando rochas

Nature's aquarium : the planted igarape

"Małe w lotosach" Amazon Dream Trip- Michał Marcinkiewicz Expedition

Lago and Igarape Zalala, Rio Negro basin, AM - PART ONE

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The World of Negro River 3

Apistogramma agassizii - Habitat Nature

Corydoras in the Amazon

Natural aquarium Lago Grande 4

Cambeua: Cichlid Filled Igarape on the Lower Rio Negro, Brazil

Dicrossus maculatus - Checkerboard cichlid

Ornamental fishes in Igarape Cajari, a tributray of Rio Caurés, Amazonas, Brazil

Snorkelling the Gorgulho da Rita, Xingu River, Para State, Brazil

Snorkeling for Plecos and other fish at Rio Xingu

Brazilian Forest Flooded in Crystal Clear Water

Stream habitat of Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

River margin habitat - Rio Olho d'Água, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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Padauari 2014

Nature's aquarium : Rio Ariraha, AM - PART ONE


Video Xingu

Pantanal River Habitat

Instituto Terra - Institutional Video [English Subtitles]

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