Beautiful leisurely Giant snakehead fish and fry(Toman)

Rasbora agilis ラスボラ アギリス -DIscoveryPlanet-

Trigonostigma espei ラスボラ エスペイ -DIscoveryPlanet-

Two Giant Gourami fish slowly approach me

沖縄のヒスイボウズハゼ(2013) Stiphodon alcedo

Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia -DIscoveryPlanet-

Arowana, snakehead and turtle

Gastromyzon 'Borneo Suckers' in the wild

Underwater footage of small pool in Borneo

Betta macrostoma in situ (part 3)

Red Macrobrachium shrimp from Betta macrostoma habitat (part 2)

Red Macrobrachium shrimp from Betta macrostoma habitat (part 1)

Bucephalandra pygmaea in situ (underwater)

Cryptocoryne bullosa (aquatic aroid) in Sarawak

Betta macrostoma in situ (part 1)

Neogastromyzon chini from stream of Hose Mountains

Inle Lake Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Celestichthys choprae -DIscoveryPlanet-

17 tháng 7, 2019

17 tháng 7, 2019

【Lake Inle】Inlecypris auropurpurea and Parambassis ranga -DIscoveryPlanet-



Freshwater Life in Sri Lanka (Dawkinsia)

Sobadhara - සොබාධාරා | Season 2 | Episode - 32 | 2018-08-14 | Rupavahini Documentary

Wild Black Ruby barbs with friends

Underwater River | nature of srilanka | Beutiful place

Freshwater fish of Sri Lanka

Habitat of the Giant Salamander , Andrias japonicus in nature with Rhinogobius gobies

【4K】Beautiful natural habitat of Puntius titteya "Cherry barb"in Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka