The bank of the Solinka river, near Cisna town. Bieszczady mountains. Poland

_st place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2022

Volume of aquarium: 225 L

Dimensions of aquarium: 150x50x30

List of fishes: Gobio gobio, Astacus astacus

List of plants: N/A

Description of Decorations and Substrate: For the decoration were used: stones, gravel, sand, driftwood and roots

Description of Equipment: filtration: unimax 700. Water circulator 5000l / h. water circulator 2000l/h (movement of the water surface) 200W light. Aquael OXYPRO 150. DIY cooler system.

Water Parameters: Temperature 10-20°C, pH 7,5, ppm 90.

Additional Info: Water changes once a week 30%. In cold water aquariums, additional aeration of water is more important than low temperature. In cold water there is more oxygen, if we can not lower the temperature, we must provide more oxygen. (Aquael OXYPRO 150.) In january the temperature is lowered to 10/12°C.

Aquarium video::

Description of the Area Surrounding the Biotope: River in the Western Bieszczady, the largest tributary of the San River after Osława. It is 48.1 km long and is the third in the Bieszczady Mountains in this respect. Its sources are located on the southern slopes of Rosocha in the Hyrlata massif, at an altitude of approx. 1000 m above sea level. It flows into Lake Solińskie in the village of Bukowiec. At the beginning, it flows around the massif of Hyrlata from the west, flowing through the town of Solinka. Then it flows eastwards through Żubracze and Majdan, separating Wysoki Dział from the border zone. Further, behind Cisna, which is the largest town lying on the river, its valley is the border between the Łopiennik and Durna ranges and the Jasło ridge belonging to the border range. In the area of ​​Dołżyca turns to the north and flows between the massifs of Łopiennik and Falowa. Behind the village of Buk, the largest tributary – Wetlina – flows on the right. Then, through Polanki, Terka and Bukowiec, it reaches Lake Solińskie. Its waters form the western part of the reservoir, which in the vicinity of Polańczyk joins the San flowing in the eastern branch. The Bieszczady Mountains are built of sedimentary rocks, clay shale and sandstones, which are generally referred to as the Carpathian flysch. These sediments were formed in the Cretaceous to the Older Tertiary (Paleogene) period, and then uplifted and folded in the Early Tertiary (Neogene) period. in the river valleys, we can find especially alders, ash, fir and many species of willows.

Description of the Underwater Landscape of the Biotope: The river has a rocky bottom. In the studied biotope, the river is shallow (max. 1 m) and has clear water. It is inhabited by many fish. The shores are covered with vegetation and tree roots.

Description of the Habitat Parameters: Water is transparent, pH 7,57, ppm 84, temp. in summer 14-17 ° C, uS – 160

List of Fishes and Invertebrates Occurring in the Nature Biotope: Salmo trutta fario, Thymallus thymallus, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis, Squalius cephalus, Phoxinus phoxinus, Barbus barbus, Barbatula barbatula, Astacus astacus.

List of Plants Found in the Nature Biotope: Fontinalis antipyretica

Threats to the Ecology of the Biotope: N/A

Sources of Information: