Tidal pool near the inlet of Yantai, Shandong
_th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2020

Volume: 128 L
Dimensions: 80x40x40 cm
List of fishes: Tridentiger trigonocephalus, Tridentiger bifasciatus, Omobranchus elegans, Ernogrammus hexagrammus, Dictyosoma burgeri, Periophthalmus modestus, Palaemon pacificus, Cellana toreuma, Mytilus edulis
List of plants: Ulva pertusa, Caulerpa lentillifera, Sargassum sp.
Description of decorations: Reefs mined in the original land, sea sand mined in the original land
Description of equipment: TOD Light, Ihan Simple 250 and Red Sea Star Mini Egg
Water parameters:
Additional info: –
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Yangma Island, this place is very close to the entrance of the Xin’an River, so the salinity here is very low. Yangma Island is located in Rushan ~ Weihai Fu anticline west wing, anticline axis from Rushan Taiyi north east through the main peak of Kunju Mountain, Wendeng Wang Tuan, Weihai Huancui District Yangting, in Huancui District Tian Village, axial north east. The first rock section of the second rock group of Jiaodong rock group forms the core part and the second rock section forms two wings. Due to the influence of many magmatic activities, the fold morphology is seriously destroyed. Yangma Island-Kongtong Island fault zone is a north-west tension fault, distributed in Muping Outer Sea, similar to the Penglai-Weihai fault zone also through Muping Outer Sea. Its fracture scale is large, about 100 km long ,5~50 meters wide.
The bedrock exposed along the coast of Yangma Island is mostly metamorphic rock in the middle and deep region of the Lower Proterozoic. Its lithology is mainly mixed granite. The formation is the second rock section of Jiaodong Group in Lower Proterozoic. The lithology is mainly gneiss, granulite and amphibolite. In some headland areas, metamorphic granites with strong erosion resistance are also exposed. There are obvious differences between the headland area and the top of the beach.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: On the strata, Yangma Island is a metamorphic rock island dominated by marble. Along the coast of Yangma Island, there are Cenozoic Quaternary strata, alluvial ~ marine deposits. Its thickness varies from place to place, generally about 25 meters. Its lithology is from top to bottom: first, gravel. Sand is mainly quartz, feldspar, light yellow and black minerals, with different particle size and good grinding roundness; gravel is mainly gneiss with a diameter of 1~10 cm, good grinding roundness and thickness of 11 meters; second, muddy clay sand, grayish brown and gray-black, containing more fine silt and humus, poor viscoplasticity. This part of the rock is characterized by the development of complex carbonate rocks with a large amount of graphite and metasomatic iron ore.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: Sea water quality in Yangma Island ,1990, PH between 7.2~8.2, Nitrite nitrogen, cyanide, arsenic, iron, chromium, Nitrite nitrogen was measured at 0.018% in September, Between 7.1~7.84, Meet fishery water standards. Oxygen consumption, Yangma Island Houhai and Qianhai in May to meet the requirements, The value was slightly higher in September. Between 0.02~0.24, Basically meet the standard. Volatile phenol content, Before and after the island is zero. Imitation salinity recently measured 19 ppt、 water temperature in 10 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius floating.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Tridentiger trigonocephalus, Tridentiger bifasciatus, Omobranchus elegans, Ernogrammus hexagrammus, Dictyosoma burgeri, Periophthalmus modestus, Palaemon pacificus, Cellana toreuma, Mytilus edulis
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Ulva pertusa, Caulerpa lentillifera, Sargassum sp.
Threats to the ecology: –
Sources of information:
Records of Muping District, Yantai City (1978-2000) Part II Natural Geography Section 2 Islands
Records of Muping District, Yantai City (1978-2000) Part II Natural Geography Chapter 1 Geology Section 2 Tectonics
Records of Muping District, Yantai City (1978-2000) Part II Natural Geography Section 1 Coast
Records of Muping District, Yantai City (1978-2000) Part II Natural Geography Section 5 Intertidal Zone