Tansa lake and wildlife sanctuary wada region of shahapur,Thane, India
_th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2020

Volume: 80 liters
Dimensions: 36 x 12 x 15
List of fishes: filament barb Dawkinsia
list of plants
almond leaf and driftwood no plants
List of plants: filament barb Dawkinsia
list of plants
almond leaf and driftwood no plants
Description of decorations: Drift wood with root like shape colour tan brown aged naturaly found in nature , red river soil with soil and silt with some amount of soil mixed ,indian almond leaf with coconut tree leaves dried as fount in wild
water tan brown because of red soil and drift wood ideal for fish
Description of equipment: hang on back filter RS electricals model RS 3000 /1200 L/H , RS T8 lights with 6500 k, sunsun filter media , filter spong, ceramic rings
Water parameters: 20 – 25 ° c
PH 6.0 7.0
hardness 36 – 268
Additional info: 20 % water change every week
finter media – filter flos, ceramic rings , lava rocks
filter us RS 3000 with water exchange 1200 L/h
glass cleaning sponge to clean dirt formation on tank front glass
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Tansa lake is lake in Maharashtra (INDIA) its surrounding is a beautiful wild life sanctuary
about 320sq km
tansa wildlife sanctuary is known to be a paradise for
bird watchers
more over 54 species of mammals and 200 species of birds inhabit this sanctuary
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: the lake is central part of sanctuary surrounding with dence blanketed forest meany almond trees with coconut and palm over the bank, meany submerged
old dead trees aged in waters and formed drift wood
with red soil surface with yellow Rocks and red stones at the bottom . lake is shallow and deep at different places different fish and birds are found near lake area
Description of the parameters of the habitat: water is transparent and clean but during rainfall water gets little cloudy average water temp 20 – 26 °c
water temperature droops during rainy season
ph 6.0 – 7.0
hardness 36 – 268 ppm
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: filament barbs Dawkinsia found in western ghats
List of plants found in the nature biotope: no plants available due to covid issue so could not add them to the setup our city is lockdown to avoid infection. Drift wood with root like shape colour tan brown aged naturaly found in nature , red river soil with soil and silt with some amount of soil mixed ,indian almond leaf with coconut tree leaves dried as fount in wild
water tan brown because of red soil and drift wood ideal for fish
Threats to the ecology: this aquarium was set to bring peoples attention to bring to the notice how this ecosystem is going through danger. according to a report this sanctuary is and forest is dusturbed due to cutting of trees for making fields and road was to connect metro city’s
near the area. because meany bird species and animals are facing danger of extinction for logging factories trees are chopped down every year there is hunman encroaching which is reducing the area forest from last few years and its increasing. human encroachment has also started polluting this water body , this lake is also good source of fresh drinking water but this area needs care and restrictions so this bio diversity gets protected .
Sources of information:
lake information