South America, Amazon River basin, Orinoco River
101st place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
Turkey. Mert Yılmaz

Volume: 40 L
Dimensions: 50x22x30 cm
List of fishes: Pristella Maxillaris x7
List of plants: Ceratophyllum demersum, Egeria densa
Description of decorations: Im using Oak(Quercus) branches, Vine(Vineo) roots, small rocks and fine sized sea sand gathered from nature
Description of equipment: N/A
Water parameters: Temperature is 27°C, pH is 5.3
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The main river bed of the Orinoco Basin, which includes Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana, is entirely located in Venezuela. Orinoco, 2140 km in length, empties into the Atlantic and forms a large br delta of 41,000 km². In fact, Amazon is not a part of River Sisemin. However, Brazo connects with Casquiare to Rio Negro and indirectly joins Amazon. Río Anacaro, Río Guanipa, Río Morichal Grande, Río San Juan, Uracoa, Caño Manamo, Caño Araguao Caño Macareo, Caño Marius, Brazo Imataca, Río Ventuari, Río Atabapo, Río Suapure, Rio Cuchivero o Río Caura, Río Aro , Río Paragua and Río Caron are Orinoco‘s taliban branches forming the basin.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: The annual output of the Rio Meta portion is 5600 cubic meters / hour average, which forms the driest part of the system. On the contrary, the delta part is quite calm and swampy. The Orinoco delta plains form one of SouthAmerica‘s largest wetland complexes. This ocean-stream intersection area is a highly efficient feeding and breeding ground for a range of freshwater and marine organisms. Due to these positive factors, both aquatic fauna and flora are quite rich.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The region has temperature values ranging from 25 to 32 ° C. In addition, 2700 mm of annual precipitation, which is obtained by proportioning all the basins, is almost evenly divided into every month. This is a demonstration of the slight change in water level in Orinoco and an explanatory of its clear waters. It has been observed that the pH level of the river varies between 5.2-6.3
List of fishes: The largest share of the species exceeding 900 is the Characiformes family. This is followed by the Loricariidae and Cichlidae families. Approximately 70 species have passed the literature as endemic for Orinoco. Among these endemic creatures are some pleco species, a few apistogramma species, some tetralar and some killifish species. Micropoecilia bifurca, also known as the live dwarf, is also a species native to Orinoco. Orinoco hosts land eaters as well. Geophagus grammepareius and taeniopareius are the most common species. Orinoco altum, corydoras black Venezuela, ramirezi, natteri, cardinal neon, sail-finned stingray, dicrossus filamentosus
List of plants: Echinodorus species are home to parvula, subulata, salvinia, riccia, lotus, water hyacinth, cabomba, some alternanthera, bacopa, hydrocotyle, heteranthera and vallisneria species
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