Small pond system, downstream of Mekong river delta, Hau Giang, Vietnam
12th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2019
Vietnam. Luong Quoc Hung

Volume: 288 L
Dimensions: 120x60x40 cm
List of fishes: Trichogaster trichopterus, Trichopsis vittata, Borara urophthalmoides, Parambassis siamensis, Aplocheilus panchax
List of plants: Eleocharis, Ceratophyllum demersum, Nymphae, Lagarosiphon major, Pistia stratiotes
Description of decorations: Biotope’s underwater landscape includes a large amount of driftwood, twigs, silt and garbage from fallen leaves. The main substrate is dark brown sand , aqua soil
Description of equipment: [FILTER]
External Canister Filter
Led RGB Lighting 176w×2
Water parameters: Temperature of 29 ° C and Ph is 6.4-6.8
Additional info: –
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Hau Giang is a province in the center of the Mekong Delta. Geographic coordinates: From 9030’35 ” to 10019’17 ” North latitude and from 105014’03 ” to 106017’57 ” East longitude. The natural area is 160,058.69 ha, accounting for about 4% of the Mekong Delta area and accounting for about 0.4% of the total natural area of Vietnam. The administrative boundaries are adjacent to 5 provinces: the central province of Vi Thanh is located 240 km southwest of Ho Chi Minh City; in the north by Can Tho city; Soc Trang province in the south; the East borders Hau river and Vinh Long province; the west borders Kien Giang province and Bac Lieu province ..
The relatively flat terrain is a common feature of the Mekong Delta.
Hau Giang province lies within the inner belt of the Northern Hemisphere, near the equator; There is a tropical monsoon climate, divided into two distinct seasons. The rainy season has southwest wind from May to November, the dry season has Northeast wind from December to April every year. The average temperature is 27 ° C without too much deviation over the years. The month with the highest temperature of 35 ° C is April and the lowest in December 20 ° -30 ° C
The rainy season is from May to November every year, accounting for 92-97% of the annual rainfall.
The average humidity in the year is clearly differentiated by the season, the average humidity difference between the wettest month and the least humid month is about 11%. The lowest average humidity is around March and April (77%) and the average annual humidity is 82%.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: In my aquarium, I used materials taken from nature in terms of form, texture and color similar to those presented in natural habitats seen in the video. driftwood and branches, mainly black and fir tree branches, fallen leaves of black star trees and fruit trees
Description of the parameters of the habitat: Hau Giang province has a large system of rivers and canals with a total length of about 2,300km. The density of rivers and canals is quite large
The environment tends to change throughout the year. In the dry season, the water is completely clear, rich in dissolved oxygen pH of 6.2-7.0 depending on the season, the temperature in the dry season reaches 32°- 35° С. In the rainy season, when the river flows through low land , said weather conditions have created favorable conditions for the species Eleocharis, Ceratophyllum demersum, Nymphae, Lagarosiphon major (Egeria Densa), Pistia stratiotes L, with many branches and driftwood under water. This place is home to fish species such as Trichogaster trichopterus,Trichopsis vittata, Borara urophthalmoides, Parambassis siamensis Aplocheilus panchax . The peak of blooming, when aquatic plants are fully flowered at the same time in the breeding season of animals
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Trichogaster trichopterus,Trichopsis vittata, Borara urophthalmoides, Parambassis siamensis Aplocheilus panchax
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Eleocharis, Ceratophyllum demersum, Nymphae, Lagarosiphon major (Egeria Densa), Pistia stratiotes
Threats to the ecology: –
Sources of information:
All the information gathered in this work comes from the personal on-site survey of this water system, which was turned into a Driver and a Youtube . In them you will find photographs and videos of the area made by me and my partner in the project.