Small creeks system in Hau Giang. Vietnam
_th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2020

olume: 324 Liters
Dimensions: 120x60x45 cm
List of fishes: Bellamya chinensis,Trichopodus trichopterus, Channa gachua <Hamilton,1822>, Trichopsis
List of plants: Nymphaeaceae,Panicum repens, pistia ,Hygrophila difformis, Ipomoea aquatic
Description of decorations: The entire substrate is made of light yellow brown sand, mixed size 0.5-3mm and clay. There is a peat layer on top to simulate older organic matter and lower the pH. On the peat layer there are branches, leaves and dry wood Hoppea odorata. The decorations decompose slowly creating a soft natural layer on everything.
Description of equipment: ATMAN-DF1300 External Filter 24,5W,1500L/H. Spotlight 5W × 4< 2:6500k, 2:3500k> , Lighting: Daylight simulation based on LED modules 170W. DIY. Radiator fan: 12v x2, DIY
Water parameters: Temperature: 27-29, pH: 7-7.5, gH: 6, kH 7, TDS: 162
Additional info: water change once a week 20%.,. Radiator fan: 12v x2, DIY
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Phung Hiep district is located in the East of Hau Giang province, the North borders Chau Thanh A district; The East borders on Chau Thanh district and Nga Bay town; The South borders on Long My town, Hau Giang province and My Tu district, Soc Trang province; West: border with Vi Thuy district, Hau Giang province. The district is divided into 15 administrative units, including 03 towns: Cay Duong, Kinh Cung, Bung Tau and 12 communes: Phung Hiep, Long Thanh, Thanh Hoa, Tan Binh, Hoa An, Hiep Hung, Tan Phuoc Hung, Hoa My, Phuong Binh, Phuong Phu, Tan Long and Binh Thanh; located in the tropical climate, monsoon, all year round hot and humid, very convenient for the development of agricultural production
Phung Hiep district has an area of 484,510km, is located near the Hau river and many axial canals run through.
Phung Hiep has an intricate river system with many rivers, large and small. The Hau River is the main water source of the district with abundant water source all year round, creating favorable conditions for many species of creatures to develop.
Phung Hiep District is located in the subequatorial monsoon tropical climate with the following characteristics:
The temperature is stable in the year (average 26.8oC), the hottest April (average temperature 28.3oC) and the lowest January (average temperature 25.5oC). Very sunny (average 2,445 hours / year, 6.7 hours / day), the climatic conditions are quite favorable for plants and animals to develop.
The average annual rainfall reaches 1,635 mm and is deeply divided by seasons. The rainy season starts from April to November with rainfall accounting for 90% of the total annual rainfall, from August to October is the flood season, due to the upstream of the Mekong River, this is also the breeding season of the species fish …. The dry season starts from December to March with rainfall accounting for only 10% of the total annual rainfall.
The topography of the district is generally quite flat, the elevation tends to be lower in the direction from North to South, from East to West gradually lower in the middle of the district, creating different high and low terrain.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: The water is quite clear, the water itself is usually yellow brown due to humic acid and other chemicals in the decomposition of organic matter, with a pH from 6.5 to 7.5 depending on the season, current water parameters My measurements are: TDS 149, pH 7, gH 6, kH 5. The substrate often has many fallen leaves, branches and submerged wood, in some places where aquatic plants thrive, especially Nymphaeacae, Ceratophyllum demersum and Hygrophila difformis.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The water is quite clear with brown yellow color, the pH ranges from 6.5 to 7.5 depending on the season, the current water parameters I measure are: TDS 149, pH 7, gH 6, kH 5.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Trichopodus trichopterus, Channa gachua <Hamilton,1822>, Trichopsis, Haplochilus panchax, Oryzias haugiangensis, Boraras brigittae, Caridina flavilineata
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Nymphaeaceae,Panicum repens, pistia ,Hygrophila difformis, Ipomoea aquatic, Eleocharis dulcis
Threats to the ecology: Unfortunately, the pristine areas are not much available due to exploration for agriculture and other human activities, with fish habitats in the affected areas also heavily altered in many cases. and declining species diversity.
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