Shallow waters of Herbert River in Queensland. Australia
27th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2016
Turkey. Tolga Eldurmaz
Aquarium Volume: 40 L
Fish and invertebrates: Pseudomugil signifer
Plants list: Fontinalis antipyretica
Fish and invertebrates: Pseudomugil signifer
Plants list: Fontinalis antipyretica
Biotope description: River Herbert locates in the north part of Quennsland,Australia.There are lots of waterfalls through the river, and one of then,River Blencoe, has a unique and mariginal underwater habitat.Water that floats fast from the waterfall erodes rocks in a circular shape.There are woods falling from forest between the rocks.Mosses drifted by stream are stuck between the rocks and the woods.All these create small puddles that slow the river down. The most common Pseudomugil species of Australia,signifier, lives in oxygen rich waters of these mariginal puddles. They have extensive distribution from Merimbula Lake just north of Eden on the southern coast of New South Wales to Cape York Peninsula including islands in the Torres Strait. Apart from signifier, goby species such as Redigobius bikolanus and Mogurnda adspersa also live in River Herbert.
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Comments of the members of the jury of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2016

It is a very nice effort. In a few litres managed to present a proper aquarium for fish that hosts and a correct presentation of the river represented. This aquarium is an example how to a few litres and with so little material you can present something right and beautiful.

A simple but effective, small biotope, this Pseudomugil tank is cool, calming and I would like to think, natural. It is possible to cram too many themes and features into a biotope yet in reality, close up and zoomed in, there may only be one or two species in a space such as this, so it works for me. With the Pseudomugil as the stars of the show they will reward the onlooker with their sparring and breeding behaviours and those ornate fins.