Shallow coastal section of the bazaiha river, MD. Bazaiha. Krasnoyarsk. Russia
_th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2020

Volume: 750 L
Dimensions: 150x100x50 cm
List of fishes: Phoxinus phoxinus, Paracottus knerii, Misgurnus fossillis, Gobio gobio cynocephalus
List of plants: Petasites radiates
Description of decorations: In this work, I used materials taken directly from this biotope. These are rolled river stones of various sizes, ranging from pebbles with a fraction of 5-10 mm, ending with boulders of 40 cm or more. The roots of trees, mainly poplar and willow. Also used river sand and a small amount of silt, as food for plants. Volcanic lava (with a fraction of 10-40 mm) is used as a substrate for raising the ground level.
Description of equipment: SAMP 380 l.: Filter material (150 l.): – Mechanical filtration-coarse and fine sponges; – Biological filtration-Bioballs Noname, Eheim Substrat Pro, volcanic lava; lifting Pump-Eheim 1260, 2300 l / h; Additional submerged mechanical filter-Unistar PowerHead 300-4L, 2100 l / h with a fine-pored foam sponge-2 PCs; Flow pumps Tunze Turbelle nanostream 6025 (2800 l / h) – 2 PCs.; Refrigerator Resun CL-650; Lighting-spotlight Jazzway PFL-SC-50W 6500K – 2 PCs.
Water parameters: Temperature-19-21⁰C pH-7.0 gH-8.0
Additional info: At the moment, the age of the aquarium is 2 months, there are no maintenance features of this aquarium. To create an imitation of a powerful river flow, I used Tunze Turbelle nanostream 6025 (2800 l / h) – 2 PCs., they also help by creating additional water movement mechanical filters-Unistar PowerHead 300-4L (2100 l / h) – 2 PCs. Thanks to the flow pumps that create a powerful surface current, there is abundant aeration of water, which is very important for a cold-water aquarium. The Resun CL-650 refrigerator is used to maintain the temperature regime at 19-21⁰C. The aquarium is quite stable, water changes 30-40% of the total volume once a week. Pisces is very good at eating frozen food, such as small bloodworms and gammarus. After a stable drop in temperature to the range of 19-21⁰C (during the first three weeks after launch, the temperature was 26-28⁰C, before the refrigerator was installed), a rapid growth of young shoots began in the white-tailed radiant (Petasites radiates), which was previously in a stressful state. The aquarium is temporary, closer to October, I plan to restart it, all hydrobionts will be released back to their natural biotope. I consider it possible to maintain such an aquarium for a long time, the only problem I see is the period of rest in plants.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Bazaikha is a river in the Krasnoyarsk territory, a right tributary of the Yenisei, one of the longest and deepest rivers in the world and flows into it in the city of Krasnoyarsk, in the microdistrict of the same name. Bazaikha originates on the Krasnoyarsk ridge (Kusuim mountains) at an altitude of 660 meters above sea level. Its length is about 126 km, and the basin area is 1000 km2. The fall of the river is about 3.3 m per 1 km. Major tributaries: NAMUR, Kallat, Dolgin, Gistic and Corbic. Almost the entire pool of Basahi is located in the mountains. The left-Bank part of it is the rocks of the Takmakovsky district: Ermak, Storozhevoy, Maly Berkut, Chinese wall, Sparrows, one of the many bizarre syenite formations known around the world as “Pillars”. Right off the shore is decorated with Tagrinsky ridge. Unusual and beautiful look on the contrast of the right and left parts of the valley of Basahi. The southern side of the Torgashinsky range attracts with steep and rocky treeless slopes that give the impression of a harsh mountain landscape, and the Kuysum mountains are gentle, covered with taiga forests. The valley of the river Bazaiha is one of the most beautiful and amazing places not only Krasnoyarsk, but perhaps the whole of Siberia. Here you can see the bizarre shapes of rocks, outcrops of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. The limestones of the Torgashinsky range contain fossils of ancient marine organisms that lived many millions of years ago, such as archaeocyates and trilobites. The coastline is dominated by willow thickets.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: The width of the floodplain is from 38 to 252 m, and the riverbed is 12-35 m. Depth – from 0.5 to 2.5 m. The river flows through alluvial outcrops, which contain clay, sand, silt, and stone. On the shallows there are zones with abundant silt deposits, on which Petasites radiates (white-Tailed radiant (smooth)) grows abundantly. Found along the shore of the snag zone. With the onset of frost, the river freezes, and by the end of winter, the ice thickness in some places reaches 80 cm.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The current speed is usually in the range of 0.65 (2.34)-1.08 m / s (3.89 km / h), but in floods it reaches 5 km / h, and when water is discharged by opening dams, it is much larger.
On flood days in the spring, the transparency drops to 1-2 cm. The river carries porridge-like water, saturated to the limit with plant debris and agitated soil. In summer, transparency is up to 1 m.
The water temperature in may reaches +3 + 10 degrees, in July and August +17+19, and in September +11+13 degrees., pH -7.0, gH-10.0.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Brachymystax, Thymallus arctic, Esox lucius, Perca fluviatilis, Gymnocephalus cernua, Gobio gobio
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Potamogeten perfoliatus, Sagittaria sagittifolia
Threats to the ecology: On the bazaiha river, monitoring of surface water pollution was carried out at one observation point located above the Marble quarry, which is approximately a couple of kilometers upstream of this biotope. According to the classification of water bodies by the frequency of cases of exceeding the MPC, the water contamination of the Bazaikha river is characterized as “unstable” in terms of iron and aluminum, and as “characteristic”in terms of COD, BPK5 , copper, manganese, and volatile phenols. In 2018 the quality standards exceeded the average annual values of the following indicators: BPC5 (1.9 times), aluminum (2.2 times), copper (4.4 times), manganese (2.3 times), zinc (1.1 times). The average annual values of the other indicators did not exceed the quality standards set for them. Water quality of water bodies according to the UKIZV1 value in 2015 according to the regional subsystem for monitoring surface waters of the land-the bazaiha river (above the Marble quarry) – class, category-3B-very polluted.
Upstream from this biotope, work is underway to build a new recreation complex. Despite its close proximity to the nature protection zone, construction works are being carried out in violation of a number of environmental standards. During the construction of the complex used heavy construction equipment which goes on the bottom of the river Bazaikha, crossing a water protection zone, which is contrary to the norms of the Water code. This violation can lead to changes in the habitat of living organisms in the named river, as well as cause the disappearance of ichthyofauna higher up the river. In addition to this violation, the fact of cutting down trees around the construction site was revealed.
The right Bank of the river has been changed everywhere by economic activity, forests have been reduced, and agricultural land is located within the water protection zone. Human economic activity affects the state of the tributaries that feed the river: on the left Bank, which is under the protection of the reserve, the configuration and density of watercourses have been preserved; on the right Bank, the watercourses have dried up and disappeared. Anthropogenic interference within the water protection zone is unacceptable, since economic activity leads to a violation of the water balance and the disappearance of tributaries feeding the bazaiha river. A large number of vacationers on the banks of the bazaiha river leave behind mountains of garbage (due to aesthetic considerations, such elements inherent in this biotope were not used in the design of the aquarium, such as cigarette packs and cigarette butts, beer cans and bottles, disposable barbecues and disposable dishes, and other related elements of “outdoor enthusiasts”).
Sources of information:
- Computer identification of Russian fish (freshwater and passable) (on CD-ROM for PC). Bogolyubov A. S., Kravchenko M. V. Moscow, “Ecosystem”, 2010.
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