Rocky area of Lake Tanganyika near the town of Kasanga in Southwest Tanzania
48th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
Russia. Denis Artemyev

Volume: 200 L
Dimensions: 100x40x50 cm
List of fishes: Neolamprologus spec. ” daffodil”
List of plants: natural framing
Description of decorations: Sandstone, crumb of sandstone, black background.
Description of equipment: Tetra tx 700 external filter, LED light homemade 18W 2700-6500K
Water parameters: Temperature 25°C, pH 7.5, GH 15
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The Tanganyika lake is located in eastern Africa, within Zaire, Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi. The area of the lake is about 34,000 square kilometers. It lies at an altitude of 773 m. In the tectonic depression of the East African fault zone. The water boundary is divided into two deep-water basins. The maximum depth in the southern part is 1470 m (after Baikal it is the deepest lake on Earth).
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: In the lake are also found hippopatamuses, crocodiles and many waterfowl. In my work, I wanted to display a transition zone where rocky grounds are on moderately gentle banks and sand areas are usually visible among rocks under the water. The rocks in this habitat are stacked on top of each other, forming a complex network of caves, which allows local inhabitants to find many places for spawning and shelter.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: Stable temperature stratification prevents mixing of the water mass, due to which only the top layer of 100-200 m deep is enriched with oxygen and suitable for life. Fresh water, but with a high content of magnesium salts. The water temperature on the surface fluctuates throughout the year from 23.6 to 26.5 degrees C.
List of fishes: About 75% of the fauna form endemics, which are the Princesses of Burundi represented in my work. Tanganyika has more than two hundred different fish, which include species such as: Tropheus duboisi; Neolamprologus longior, Alfolamprologus calvus, etc.
List of plants: Flora is found mainly in the coastal zone, there you can see such as: Nimphea, Valisneria, Egeria, Ceratopyllum, etc.
Sources of information:общее-описание-озер-и-биотопов-заметки/