Rio Jufaris, near the community of Carvoeiro, in Roraima
41st place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
Brazil. Bruno Garcia dos Santos

Volume: 200 L
Dimensions: 100x40x50 cm
List of fishes: Hemigrammus bleheri, Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Apistogramma gibbiceps, Corydoras adolfoi, Dicrossus filamentosus, Nannostomus marginatus, Otocinclus arnoldi, Chilodus punctatus
List of plants: Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Echinodorus amazonicus, Pistia stratiotes
Description of decorations: White river sand similar to the Rio Jufaris, leaves, twigs, trunks, bark.
Description of equipment: External filter JBL CRISTALPROFI e1501 GREENLINE (1500l / h), Addition of JBL Denitrol Weekly, Fluorescent lamps T8 4x18w (2x4000k and 2x9000k), Heater with thermostat 200w.
Water parameters: Temperature is 28°C, PH is 4.2, GH is 1
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The aquarium was decorated according to the characteristics of the Rio Jufaris, near the community of Carvoeiro between the border of the states of Amazonas and Roraima. The Jufaris River is a affluent of the Rio Negro, whose waters are acidic (ph near 4) and dark due to the tannin released by leaves and trunks, its conductivity is between 7 and 12 μS / cm, rarely higher, and temperatures from 26 to 28°C. This river is home to several species of fish, among them Hemigrammus bleheri, discovered by Heiko Bleher in 1964.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: River that cuts a great forest, its waters are dark, full of leaves, branches and trunks fallen by almost all its extension.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: Dark water, rich in tannin. The temperature varies between 26 and 28°C, the pH approximately 4, but may vary according to the season (never above 6.5), its conductivity is between 7 and 12 μS / cm, rarely higher.
List of fishes: Hemigrammus bleheri, Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Apistogramma gibbiceps, Corydoras adolfoi, Dicrossus filamentosus, Nannostomus marginatus, Otocinclus arnoldi, Chilodus punctatus.
List of plants: Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Echinodorus amazonicus, Pistia stratiotes.
Threats to the ecology: One of the reasons that made me choose the Rio Jufaris for this montage was to draw attention to the indiscriminate collection of fish for theornamental medium such as Hemigrammus bleheri and Paracheirodon axelrodi. Unfortunately in Brazil this fish are collected rather than reproduced in ornamental fish farms. If the indiscriminda collection continues these fish will disappear from our rivers in a few years!
Sources of information:
Book: Bleher´s Biotopes, (pages 416, 417, 420, 421)