Rio Jesus Maria Costa Rica On the edge of the river
_th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2020

Volume: 576 l
Dimensions: 160x60x60 cm
List of fishes: Cribroheros Rostratus Gill & Bransford, 1877, Talamancaheros Sieboldii Kner 1863, Poecilia Gillii Kner 1863
List of plants: –
Description of decorations: River Stones of various sizes fine sand, branches, roots and leaf litter.
Description of equipment: 2x HMF filter each 2000lph, 1x T8 bulb 30w 6000k
Water parameters: Temperature 24°C, Ph 8.00, Kh 12
Additional info: Water change 50% per week
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The Jesús María River Basin is located in Costa Rica’s Pacific region, and covers 35,280 hectares of a diverse landscape comprised of forests, coffee plantations and fruit trees, mangroves, pastures, cash crops, water bodies, and urban areas. Descending from a maximum elevation of 1,400 m through to the coastal zone, the basin also consists of several sub-basins that eventually drain into the Pacific Ocean via the Tivives wetland – a Wildlife Protected Area – with its mangrove and estuarine system.Lenght of river is 41 km.
Rio Jesus Maria (Río Jesús María) is a stream in Costa Rica. It is located at an elevation of 5 meters above sea level.
Río Jesús María is also known as Jesus Maria River, Rio Jesus Maria, Río Jesús María.
Its coordinates are 9°52’0″ N and 84°42’0″ W in DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) or 9.86667 and -84.7 (in decimal degrees). Its UTM position is GR59 and its Joint Operation Graphics reference is NC16-12.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The river is fast flowing and carries with it sand and leaves and branches falling from nearby trees, flows through forests and urban settlements,in the river are limestone Stones of various sizes,The water is clear, and the clear visibility underwater is good. The aquarium represents the edge of the river, where the trees are uprooted, there is a lot of leaves falling from the trees along the river, and palm trees that bend into the water.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: I did not find data on the water parameters of this river, given that there is limestone in the water I would say that the water is hard and has a high ph
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Difrent spicies of Cribroheros, Tomocichla Tuba, Tomocichla Asfaci
List of plants found in the nature biotope: There no plants in nature biotope
Threats to the ecology of the biotope: In particular, the watershed is experiencing declines in biodiversity, agricultural productivity, and water availability due to historical processes of unsustainable agricultural practices – especially on the steeper upper-basin slopes – as well as deforestation, poor rural road design, and land use changes. Throughout the basin, the loss of natural forest cover has left the landscape highly fragmented, with only small relics of primary forest remaining in the galleries of the main rivers and mangroves, further exacerbating biodiversity loss.
Sources of information on the biotope:
costa_rica/costa_rica_( general)/_jesusmaria_rio/ -
country-programmes/costa-rica/ - https://commons.m.wikimedia.
org/wiki/Category:R%C3%ADo_ Jes%C3%BAs_Mar%C3%ADa -
country/CountryChecklist.php? showAll=yes&what=list&trpp=50& c_code=188&cpresence=Reported& sortby=alpha2&ext_CL=on&ext_ pic=on&vhabitat=fresh