Rio Abacaxis, shore of the lake Lago Glemende
The 18th place in the qualifying stage of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014

Volume: 300 L
List of fishes: Apistogramma sp. wilhelmi (Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis), Otocinclus affinis
List of plants: Pistia stratiotes, Taxiphyllum barbieri In Brazil. A lago is a small jungle lake and Lago Glemende is connected to the Rio Abacaxis by a small stream. Streams are often deep and can go hundreds of miles into the forest. In the wider parts the stream creates a hidden lakes, wooded and without perceptible current. The water there is very soft, muddy and has a dark brown color. There is not a lot of plants, mostly fallen leaves, decaying plants and wood. Streams are rather poor in fish. There are a few small tetras and dwarf cichlids.

It is a bright, positive entry. Randomly growing moss and long roots of Pistia make the biotope aquarium look natural. Oak leaves on the bottom should be replaced by willow or alder ones.

A nice biotope with an interesting impression.