Negro River, Amazon branch, Brazil
67th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2018
China. Wang Peng

Volume: 122 L
Dimensions: 60x45x45 cm
List of fishes: Paracheirodon axelrodi, Hemigrammus bleheri
List of plants: N/A
Description of decorations: River sand / drift wood / Oak Leaves Origin in China.
Description of equipment: External ATMAN CF1200×1, Netlea Led 50W ×1.
Water parameters: The water temperature is 26 degrees, the color of the water is black. PH value is 6. GH35.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: It is about 2,253 km (1,400 miles) long, of which about 1,368 km (850 miles) is in Brazil and is navigable from about 724 km (450 miles) above the estuary. Although the coastal population is scarce, the river is still the main transport corridor. The Negro River is dark and hence named because of the decomposition of organic matter at the margins of the marshes and the low content of silt. Its color contrasts strongly with the color of the brown River and the color of the Amazon River. The largest tributary of the left bank of the Amazon River in South America. The Negro River is called after the Java River, which rises in the mountains of Eastern Colombia, joins the Cassikiares near San Carlos. It flows through northwest Brazil, flows southeast, accepts tributaries such as the Bronco River, and flows 17 kilometers below Manaus into the Amazon River. It’s about 2000 kilometers long. The river is tortuous. Downstream of the sandbanks, the river reaches 30 to 50 kilometres, just like a long lake. Tapp Lou Quarra can navigate below. Through the Negro River and the CASI Kare River, the Amazon River and the two major river systems of the Orinoco River are connected. It is hot, rainy and sparsely populated in the basin. Because the coastal swamp is humus, the river is dark.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: The Negro River is dark and hence named because of the decomposition of organic matter at the margins of the marshes and the low content of silt. There are a lot of leaves and floating trees and branches in the river water. The highest water level is up to 12m in rainy season. 80% of the forest is swallowed by floods, forming a unique underwater forest scene.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: February-June is the flood season, the river is black because of the decomposition of organic matter and the low content of silt at the margin of the swamp. The annual average temperature is 26-28 C, the dry season temperature is 28 C and the rainy season temperature is 22 C. PH value is about 5.5-6 in dry season, TDS value is 60-80, pH value is about 6-6.5 in rainy season and TDS value is around 20.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: S. aequifasciata, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Hemigrammus bleheri, Pygocentrus nattereri, Silurus asotus and many other fish.
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Echinodorus amazonicus Rataj, Lemna minor.
Threats to the ecology: In the ecological environment, the deforestation of forests and the abandonment of wild fish have seriously destroyed the balance of the natural environment. With the development of tourism, water pollution has also increased.
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