Coastal area of the Kreshchenskoye Lake, Penza region, Zarya settlement, Russia
87th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
Russia. Danila Bryunetkin

Volume: 40 L
Dimensions: 45x30x30 cm
List of fishes: Perccottus glenii, Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae
List of plants: Hottonia palustris, Utricularia sp., Nuphar sp.
Description of decorations: All the decor is taken from the nature biotope, plants and fish are also from there.
Description of equipment: Sea-star internal filter 400 l per hour.
Water parameters: Water temperature is 22-24°C.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: This lake has no name, its local name is the Kreshchenskoye lake, its coordinates are -53.243239, 44.892687. There are plenty of Chinese sleeper in this lake, as well as crucian carp, perch, carp, belica, and on the banks of the reservoir in the thickets of sedge and cattail there are frogs. In these thickets ducks build their nests and grow their ducklings. The bottom is sandy with fallen leaves of coastal plants, such as sedge, the willows grow on the shore, its leaves also lie in this lake, and its roots are in the water. Among these roots fry and various larvae hide from predators, and fish also go to these places to spawn. The bottom is also covered with aquatic vegetation, in some places there is driftwood and stones.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: The bottom is sandy with fallen leaves of coastal plants, such as sedge, the willows grow on the shore, its leaves also lie in this lake, and its roots are in the water. Among these roots fry and various larvae hide from predators, and fish also go to these places to spawn. The bottom is also covered with aquatic vegetation, in some places there is driftwood and stones. The sand is fine.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The average temperature in summer is from +15 to +28 (in thickets of plants). Water has medium transparency, visibility is 60-100 cm.
List of fishes: Perccottus glenii, Carassius, Perca, Cyprinus, Leucaspius delineatus, Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae.
List of plants: Typha, Carex, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Hottonia palustris, Utricularia, Nuphar.
Threats to the ecology: N/A.
Sources of information: Personal study of the biotope. Link to the report.
Comments of the members of the jury of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017

For the fish you feed, the volume is very poor and the live load is very high. Despite the volume is poor, the materials you use in your aquarium almost filled your aquarium. The way you position materials is one of the reasons for breaking your scores.