Chao Phraya river, flooded forests
The 44th place in the qualifying stage of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014

Volume: 64 L
List of fishes: Betta splendens
List of plants: Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, Cryptocoryne parva
Biotope description: In Thailand there are clean water and black water. Because of periodic flooding of forests the water is poorly oxygenated and soft. There are a little of plants because the sun cannot reach through the dense forests. There are fallen leaves and rotting wood everywhere. Here you can find a variety of small fish, for instance Pangio and Betta.

This is my 5th place, because although it is well done, the Betta looks like a breeding form, and one plant like Microsorum pteropus (better photos next time of fish and plant).

An interesting arrangement with good light. Unfortunately the fauna and the background are poor.