Calm waters of Serayu Tributary, Wonosobo, Indonesia
99th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
Indonesia. Anief Laboma

Volume: 32 L
Dimensions: 42x28x28 cm
List of fishes: Nemacheilus faciatus
List of plants: Pistia stratiotes
Description of decorations: Use lava sand and river sand with decorative twigs and rocks as well as small pebbles as in its native nature
Description of equipment: jebo 508, fluorescent light 10 watt
Water parameters: Temperature 15-19 degrees celsius.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: This river empties into a large river serayu district wonosobo. Serayu River is one of the longest rivers in central java province, the republic of Indonesia with a typical river flowing rapidly with its inner rock and the base is filled with sand deposits. In addition there are various biota like snails and various butterflies, dragonflies.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: Biotope that I take is a tributary of the river serayu, in an area called selomerto. Small river with a stream that is not so heavy, rocky and has plants on water. In this river there are fish Nemacheilus faciatus or local name of the fish is uceng. And during the breeding season they will cluster and spin a huge amount against the current.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The average depth of 20 to 40 cm with an average temperature of 15-19 degrees celsius.
List of fishes: Nemacheilus faciatus
List of plants: Pistia stratiotes
Sources of information: Knowledge of this biotope I got by direct observation about 3 – 4 miles from where I live.
Comments of the members of the jury of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
In my opinion this tank is much too small for this species of fish. They enjoy fast current and lots of oxygen, and should never be kept in such a small tank. I’m also not sure if the substrate is not too hard/sharp for the barbs of the fish.