Volume: 208 L
Dimensions: 122x32x53 cm
List of fishes: Betta macrostoma, Ampullariidae
List of plants: Anubias barteri var. nana, Anubias barteri var. nana “Pinto”, Anubias barteri var. angustifolia, Bucephalandra sp. “Red”, Bucephalandra sp. “Wavy Green”, Bucephalandra sp. “Brownie Phantom”, Bucephalandra sp. “ARROGANT BLUE”, Bucephalandra sp. “Catherine”, Bucephalandra sp. “Mirabelle”, Bucephalandra sp. “Mini Coin”, Bucephalandra sp. “Brownie Red”, Bolbitis heudelotii
Description of decorations: Lava rock is used to mimic the look of clay / rock walls of the riverbeds in Brunei. Hardwood branches are placed to mimic tree roots penetrating into the river and driftwood fallen from trees. Plants are gripping to the riverbed adaptable to emerged and submersed conditions. Substrate under and behind structure is aquasoil to help lower PH, in front and centre is beige sand. Peat balls are placed behind rocks to lower PH. Fish can hide in Fern and behind rocks.
Description of equipment: Filter: Penn-Plax Cascade 1000 Canister Filter, 256 GPH. Light 1: Aqueon OptiBright LED fixture, photo period 5hrs/day. Light 2: Current USA Satellite Freshwater Led, photo period 6hrs/day. Heater: EHEIM AEH3617090 200-Watt Jager.
Water parameters: GH: 6.7 dKH, KH: 3.35 dKH, PH: 7.4, Temp: 25°C.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The Brunei River is a river which flows through Brunei flows southeast-northwest through swampy terrain for about 41 km and discharges into the South China Sea. Brunei generates a high annual rainfall. There are two specific rainy seasons in the year. The rainy period is from September to January with the wettest month being December. The second wet spots are from May to July. Dry times are from February to April. Many streams flow into the river often ranging from 15-100 cm deep.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: This biotope represents what a feeder stream may look like during monsoon season. Water levels are high and adaptable aquatic vegetation must adapt to a submerged setting. Water is transparent from heavy precipitation, substrate is sandy.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: Temperature is a steady 25C with fluctuating water levels.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Rasbora tubbi, Macrobrachium sp., Rasbora kottelati, Rasbora cf. tornieri, Rasbora cf. cephalotaenia, Puntius pentazona, Puntius binonatus, Nandus nebulosus, Hemiramphodon pogonognathus, Siluridae catfish.
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Bolbitis, Aridarum caulescens, Cryptocoryne longicauda, Barclaya motleyi, mosses, ferns & a species of Bolbitis are found on the rocks, usually above water level.
Threats to the ecology: This biotope was set up to give my aquatic pets a comfortable place to grow and breed. I also use it as an example to others on how they can learn about aquaria, gives a chance see places they cannot easily travel to (therefore be concerned with preservation), and that natural habitats are beautiful.
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