Blackwater Amazon river biotope
85th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017
Netherlands. Ruben Kamphuis

Volume: 70 L
Dimensions: 60x30x40 cm
List of fishes: Nannostomus marginatus – 11, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi – 2
List of plants: Hydrocleys nymphoides, Echinodorus sp., Valnisineria sp., limnobium laevigatum
Description of decorations: I have used spider wood, and I have made that in the back ground. I have used 1 stone, and al lot of leaves and little pieces of wood. The left site is the shore, and the right side is open water.
Description of equipment: JBL cristalprofi e701, JMB SMD LED, with a TC-420
Water parameters: Temperature 25 degrees, ph 5, gh and kh lower than 1
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: In the amazon-river, is the water painted, and is is surrounded witht tropical rainforest.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: In the river is sand, and many roots from the trees that stay along the river. There are many leaves at the bottem, sometimes a piece of wood or a stone on the bottom. The water flows slowly, in the side branch of the river. The water is black painted.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The water is black, ph from 5, en de gh and kh lower than 1.
List of fishes: lot’s of cichlids like apistogramma’s, and nannostomus spieces, Paracheirodon spieces. Pterophyllum spieces, Symphysodon discus, and al lot more.
List of plants: Echinodorus, valnisineria, Hydrocleys nymphoides, ALTERNANTHERA, cabomba, Eichhornia crassipes, limnobium laevigatum
Sources of information:
Comments of the members of the jury of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2017

It is not possible to represent the entire Amazon River in a biotope aquarium. I recommend you to choose a specific location, first of all, reduced to for your biotope. If you do not specify a specific habitat for your biotope aquarium, it will be difficult enough to assess your aquarium for us. On the other hand, the general appearance does not look bad.