Backwater of mouth of the forest river, which flows into Lake Sentani in Papua New Guinea
The 39th place in the qualifying stage of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2013
Russia. Arseniy Kukushkin

Volume: 170 L
List of fishes: Glossolepis incisus
List of plants: Vallisneria spiralis, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Riccia fluitans, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Microsorum pteropus
Biotope description: The aquarium shows the backwater of the mouth of the forest river, which flows into Lake Sentani from the south. To the south of Lake Sentani there are hills with stone ridges covered with forests. Near the mouth aquatic vegetation grows, getting nutrients brought by the river, and light from the water surface illuminated by the sun.

I could not give the points the other judges did, as your description is not correct, nor most of your plants. This Glossolepis species lives ONLY in the Lake Sentani and not found in an affluent and never among Microsorum, or Cryptocoryne wendtii. They live among Myriophyllum, Potamogeton and Najas species, etc.