Afternoon of sun in Rio Negro, in the community Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil
99th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2018
Brazil. Antonio Candido de Oliveira Neto

Volume: 595 L
Dimensions: 150x70x50 cm
List of fishes: Symphysodon discus, Pterophyllum scalare, Hyphessobrycon scholzei
List of plants: N/A
Description of decorations: Layout Composition: Roots, trunks and branches and river sand. Trunks of Schinus terebinthifolius. Twigs of Mangifera indica. Leaves of Mangifera indica, Psidium guajava.
Description of equipment: LIGHTING: TUBULAR LED 6500K, reflector led 20w 6500k, FILTRATION: REAR SUMP WITH 30 LITERS OF BIOLOGICAL CERAMIC MEDIA WITH 3000 / LTH RECHARGE PUMP. Sump 150x12x50 rear.
Water parameters: Temperature 29°C, pH is 5, GH is 3.
Description of the area surrounding the biotope: Every year, with the melting of the Andes and the rainy season in the Amazon region, the river level rises several meters, reaching its peak between June and July. Our landscape represents the riverside community of Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Barcelos, AM, this region is an area of Amazon rainforest where in times of flood it makes up one of the most beautiful wetlands in Brazil.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: As the Negro River rises, new biotopes are reborn and life reappears as well. We are now in front of a sandy bed where there are trunks of the most varied trees, in this black environment as the name of the river brings, also rests leaves and branches that once gave the typical color of the region, but which now has another important role in the maintenance and perpetuation of the ecosystem, serves to shelter microvidae, small fish, feed bacteria, enrich the Rio Negro with nutrients and give it its special coloration! The scenery takes place on a sunny afternoon where we can observe the rays of sun breaking the dark waters and evidencing the seasonal habitat of the fish. Legend has it that the discs seek this area to escape from predators, reproduce and the same must occur with other species, there in a seemingly chaotic environment there is harmony and security!
Description of the parameters of the habitat: Temperature from 28 to 32°C, pH is 4.85.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, Mylosssoma rubripinnis, Astronotus ocellatus, Symphysodon discus, Pterophyllum scalare, Hyphessobrycon scholzei, Serrasalmus spp., Pimelodus albofasciatus, Brachyplatystoma filamentosum, Phractocephalus hemeliopterus, Cychla monoculus, Leporinus spp., Brycon cephalus, Brachyplatystoma vaillantii, Plagioscion squamosissimus, Paravandellia, Rivulus tecminae.
List of plants found in the nature biotope: N/A
Threats to the ecology: This natural phenomenon that occurs annually, is with its future threatened by global warming that intensify the melting of the Cordilleras of the Andes increasing in many meters the volume of the Black River, by the construction of immense dams that alter the low and full river period , threatened also by the destruction of the ciliary forest causing a phenomenon called “fallen lands” that is the erosion of thousands of margin of the black river, affected directly the riverside population and all the aquatic fauna of the region because this destroys riverine areas vital for the reproduction of the species presented, in addition to significantly altering the water parameters of the region. Finally, we have to report that there is a lack of basic sanitation in the region and the population increase slowly chokes the river and puts all this exuberance at risk for contemplation of the next generations. The objective of this montage besides realizing to dream of an aquarist intends to bring light to the region that the Brazilian people have forgotten.
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