Marginal zone of the Glukharka River, Lake Lakhta in the Primorsky district, St. Petersburg, Russia
80th place in Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2019
Russia. Alexandra Ivanova
Volume: 80 L
Dimensions: 83×32×30 cm
List of fishes: Carassius gibelio, Gobio gobio.
List of plants: Carex stricta
Description of decorations: Decor is rounded granite boulders of different sizes, beige sand, similar to that found in the biotope, gravel, driftwood of elm and alder.
Description of equipment: The aquarium is equipped with an AQUAEL TURBO FILTER 500. The AQUAEL LEDDY TUBE PLANT 6W LED as illumination.
Water parameters: The water in the aquarium is sufficiently clear, its temperature fluctuates around 23 ° C. Water parameters – 6.5 pH, carbonate hardness 3, total hardness 4.
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Description of the area surrounding the biotope: The Glukharka River flows on the northwestern outskirts of St. Petersburg from Planernaya Street to the Lakhtinsky Spill. Previously, it flowed out of the swamps west of Lake Dolgoye. When the intensive development of the surrounding area began, the upper reaches of the river were drained and turned into elongated ponds. In the lower reaches, the river flows through the Yuntolovskaya forest park and flows into the northeastern part of the Lakhtinsky Razliv. The name of the river was given in the XVIII century. The area along which the river flowed at that time was swampy. The river has a mixed feed with a predominance of snow. In addition to meltwater, there are rainwater and groundwater. In the annual course of the water level, spring flood, summer low water, autumn high water and winter low water stand out. The modern river bed is straight 50–60 m wide and up to 2.5 m deep in the central part and 4.7 m in the estuary. The upper part of the bay is overgrown with aquatic vegetation, and in the middle and lower parts only along the water edge. Amplitude of water level fluctuation is up to 1.5 m. The bottom is sandy, sometimes rocky. The thickness of mud deposits is 10-15 cm.
Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: The substrate consists of fine brown sand, larger rocks are grayish. There are many snags and leaves in the water, as the trees hang down along the shore above the river.
Description of the parameters of the habitat: The water is clear, has a tan color. Water parameters: 7.6 pH, carbonate hardness 4, total hardness 3. Water temperature on average about 10 ° C, depends on the time of year. The wind influences the flow in the river, in its absence the flow practically stops.
List of fishes and invertebrates occurring in the nature biotope: Carassius gibelio, Gobio gobio, Rutilus rutilus, Perca fluviatilis, Abramis brama, Perccottus glenii.
List of plants found in the nature biotope: Carex stricta, Plantago media, Euphorbia palustris, Senecio paludosus.
Threats to the ecology: Due to intensive economic development, one of the most important unsolved environmental problems is the elimination of unauthorized garbage piles.
Sources of information:
Book: “General characteristics of river basins and lakes of the Gulf of Finland from the border of the Russian Federation with Finland to the northern border of the river basin. Neva.” Page 54